Say What? No More Nudes In Playboy?

Ed Murray Channels Al Goldstein Looking For Answers

by Ed Murray

Dateline:  Holmby Hills

Hugh HefnerPlease don’t say you aren’t shocked.  Playboy Magazine has announced a big make-over of the magazine, including the removal of pictures of nude ladies from the pages of the famous man’s mag.  These changes are set to take place in the March, 2016 issue.  Since Playboy began, it made its mark on society, and made founder Hugh Hefner a fortune.  The big thing that attracted a following over the years has been the nude centerfold.  If you think that millions of men bought the magazine just to read the articles, then you are seriously deluded.  The probable reason that Hefner put some articles and written material in the magazine was that he had to.  In the 1950′s publishing “porn” or magazines with only nudes was risky.  Various state and local authorities were prosecuting publishers for publishing magazines that “had no socially redeeming value.”  Hence the publishers covered themselves with news, fiction, fashion, or other articles.  Things are different now,  a lot of porn has moved to the internet or dvd rentals.

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KPFK’s New Model — Part 3 — Where Did All The Pets Go?

Buildings Bursting With Angry Employees Is a Dangerous Thing

by Ed Murray

Dateline Los Angeles:

It’s a perfectly natural behavior pattern.  As the entire Pacifica network surges toward complete disintegration, everyone is angry.  There’s so much tension at the KPFK building that sometimes it seems that the whole place is just going to start spinning around and take off into outer space.  Most of this is caused by the new ruling clique and their actions.  Getting rid of a bunch of people and cutting the staff salaries has everyone on edge, especially those who might like to pay their rent next month and maybe have enough left over for a taco at Poquito Mas. Last week it was reported that not only were the staff union members put on half salary, but the union dues that were deducted from their wages had not been remitted to the union in months.  Nice.  Now the question is will the union continue to represent members who haven’t paid their dues, through no fault of their own?  Tensions run high.

Louisville Hound Dog
Louisville Hound Dog

There is, however, a solution to all this.  As KPFK slips and morphs its way into the business model of Revolution Radio, these kinds of problems will melt away.  As reported on previously, no one is paid at Revolution Radio, except maybe the owner, The NnightHawkk.  Or “Mr. Nnight Hawkk”, as he is sometimes called.   If nobody is paid, and the entire staff and all the hosts are working for free, then nobody gets mad when the pay is cut in half, or cut completely.  Problem solved.

There is also the Pet Factor as it is called. The Nnight Hawkk knows that pets have a calming effect on humans.  At Revolution Radio, you will see a big old hound dog lounging around, and a lot of cats.  This technique should be immediately applied at KPFK, and in fact throughout the entire Pacifica organization.  Pets should be mandatory at all stations.

How nice it would be if everybody could bring their real best friend to work with them.  Imagine a menagerie of doggies and kitties at KPFK, and maybe a nice canary singing in his window cage at the front entrance. This would have a calming effect on the employees who are now bursting with anger.  It’s hard to get upset at anything when there’s a purring kitten nestled in your lap.  And if some barking dog sounds float out over the air during a show, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.  It would remind the subscribers that they are listening to a radio station made up of real people.  And lets face it, dogs have important things to say too.

How To Throw A Big Bash And Raise Funds. The Story of Hawk Fest

Anyone who’s been listening to KPFK the last few years has heard the sound:  a near constant, shrill, whinning sound.  No, nothing is wrong with your radio or the KPFK Transmitter.  It’s the ever-present begging-for-money sound that drones on day after day.  Down south in Louiville, at Revolution Radio, they know things.  And one of them is how to bring in a few bucks and have some fun.

The Stage at Hawk Fest ready to go.
The Stage at Hawk Fest ready to go.

Once a year, The NnightHawkk gears up for a big bash, which of course, is appropriately called Hawk Fest.  It’s a shindig that KPFK should pay close attention to. Mr. Mike Ringley, The NnightHawkk, clears the decks for action a few weeks before the Labor Day holiday and organizes the event, which took place this year on part of his farm, which is called Hawk’s Nest.  Being thrifty, like most southern folk, Mr. NnightHawkk has a do-it-yourself attitude.  He even built his own stage this year for the night-time music show. It looks cool at night with the color lights on it, and the performers and bands appear to be floating in the trees.  A few sips of some Kentucky white lightning will help to bring that image home.

The NnightHawkk's costume ready for action
The NnightHawkk’s costume ready for action

The Hawk Fest is a fabulous event.  It only costs $25 bucks for a ticket, which comes with a camping spot.  Or you could bring your own RV.  In that case the fee is only $20 bucks, which is really a bargain on many levels. The food plates cost extra, but are very reasonable, like about 25% of what you would pay in L.A.  From the youtube videos, it’s obvious that the food is fantastic.  The pre-fest video walk around showed the NnightHawkk’s gardens, he and his wife grow their own food.  A lot of the listeners at KPFK are always talking about going to an expensive market to buy “organic” food, which costs a lot more than just regular food.  At the Hawk’s Nest farm, they GROW their own food.  How many KPFK  folks actually grow their own food?  Some are even a little snobby about eating only organic (the wealthy folks).  But down at the Hawk Fest, real, home-grown food is served, and lots of it.  KPFK should take note of this – there’s plenty of room on the roof of their building to start a big garden.  This is a very sheikh thing to do, nowadays in urban areas, and a roof-top food garden could supply all the future non-paid volunteers with some good, healthy grub, since eating at fancy-pants restaurants will be a thing of the past for them.

And no big bash is complete without some entertainment.  The NnightHawkk is no stranger to music.  His bio says he studied music at UC Berkeley.  He had his own band and is killer at rock-and-roll. There is a problem, sometimes, living in a rural area, in getting some musicians together.  A recent Facebook post by Mr. NnightHawkk brings his frustration to the surface: ” i may be a musician but i fucking hate musicians UN trustworthy distracted lot nu reliable put off people that have no clue that this a business behind all this this is why i quit music.” (sic)  Also on hand at this year’s Hawk Fest was stand up comedienne Tere Joyce, and the master of ceremonies was the beloved Sean David Morton.  Click here to see Tere Joyces’ impromptu interview with Sean David, and get a glimpse of the famous white lightning.

KPFK could certainly learn a lesson here and put on its own bash.  Get some of the “work in kind” contractors to build a simple stage at the end of the parking lot.  Get out the folding chairs and tables and have the local restaurants cater the food, like they used to do for the phone volunteers in the old days of fund raising.  Tickets for the event could include a meal.  Get a few bands, or if nobody will pitch in, how about forming your own group?  A monthly night -time Progressive Radio Bash should bring in enough money to buy seeds for the roof garden.

One warning should be stated, and this is from the Hawk Fest official rules of engagement:  Leave your firearms stowed in your vehicle trunk or safe.  Anyone giving adult beverages to anyone under 21 will be violently ejected from the event.  This event is family friendly will be many kids around.  Anyone that imbibes to the point where they become a nuisance will need to go to their tent or be ejected form the event. (sic)  Suggest KPFK also post these rules in large print, especially since there are so many angry employees and staff members.


KPFK’s Slide To A New Business Model – Part 2

Dateline:  Los Angeles

Give Progressives and West-side Liberals What They Really Want

by Ed Murray

Venice Nipple Protest

Now that KPFK has pretty much gutted out some of its award-winning programs, like Sonali Kolhatkar’s Uprising, and Ian Masters’ Background Briefing, it can concentrate on programs that Progressives really want to hear about, like the annual Venice Beach Go Topless Day March, Rally and Protest. And let’s face it, awards for quality broadcasting are monstrously over-rated.  Really, an award is just a piece of paper with some words on it, in a nice frame.  KPFK is now free to print up their own awards.  Or, they could do a 3-D plaque by making a quick trip to Radio Shack and buying some cheap mics for about $5-$10 bucks each, get a couple of “U” shaped clamps at Home Depot, and mount the mics on nice pieces of wood. These could be KPFK’s “Golden Mic” awards.  Give them out to all the new revolutionary volunteer programmers, it’l make them feel swell.

Note the cute UFO Alien pasties
Note the cute UFO Alien pasties

Obviously, it’s way past time for KPFK to jump in the mud bath with the other tabloid media. Look to Revolution Radio for guidance.  One of their shows, for instance, “Freedom of Joyce”, with host Tere Joyce, puts out some interesting topics.  Stand up comedienne Tere even beat out KPFK on it’s own turf when she went to Venice and filmed the Free The Nipple Parade for her show.  This was a big event in Venice, with hundreds of young women demanding the right to go topless at Venice Beach, and parading around with only little pasties covering their nipples.  It was quite a scene. The question has to be asked:  Where was KPFK?  A “Go Topless Day March, Rally and Protest”  program would be popular with a big portion of their listeners. This is what progressive folks and westside liberals really want to hear about. Who cares about politics anymore?  It’s such ugly stuff.  And soon it will be nothing but history, so why worry about it?

Which Loon Made Those Decisions?

And while it’s being discussed, what’s with KPFK having a table at a recent Los Angeles City-Wide picnic for Unions and union family members?  KPFK was accused of “union-busting”, but they showed up at the recent Union picnic.  Weird.  But they didn’t show up at the huge Los Angeles Times Book Fair this spring at U.S.C., or the equally cool Spanish Language book fair.  Which loon made those decisions?

“It Was a Thin Book From Beginning To End”

Funny Girl Tere Joyce from Revolution Radio scoops KPFK every time.
Funny Girl Tere Joyce from Revolution Radio
scoops KPFK every time.

Or so said host Tere Joyce about a book she had once read.  Her ever-entertaining show on Revolution Radio has such topics as the one where she exposed Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard’s connection to JPL founder Jack Parsons.  The Hubbard/Parsons connections to the occult and to Aleister Crowley are bizarre.  Another show was a retrospective called The Greatest UFO Story Never Told, about Giant Rock and UFO contactee George Van Tassel.  At KPFK the UFO topic is basically verbotten, along with such topics as Chemtrails, 911 truth movement, and government CIA involvement in the drug trade. Any subject that has the word “conspiracy” in it is supposedly forbidden to be talked about at KPFK, unless it is after midnight or in one of the Spanish language programs. If a UFO ever did really land in the KPFK parking lot some night the Program Managers would head for the 24 hour medical clinics for blood tests to see if they had mistakenly gobbled down some LSD. However, things may be about to change, although possibly leading to a reckless catastrophe.

The Strange Universe of Sean David Morton

Psychic Sean Davod

Another fascinating show on Revolution Radio is a show called Strange Universe Radio, broadcasting 5 nights a week with host Sean David Morton, who has been described as a “Nationally Known Psychic”.  At least, that’s what the Securities and Exchange Commission called him when they pinned a default judgement against Morton, his wife, and several of his enterprises.  The SEC said:

“District Court Grants Securities and Exchange Commission’s
Motions for Default Judgment against a Nationally Known Psychic
and his Corporate Entities in Multi-Million Dollar Offering Fraud.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission) announced today that on February 11, 2013 the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York entered default judgments against Sean David Morton
(Morton), a nationally recognized
psychic who bills himself as “America’s
Prophet,” his wife, relief defendant Melissa Morton, and corporate shell
entities co-owned by the Mortons. In addition to ordering permanent
injunctions from violating anti-fraud and registration statutes and rule, each
defendant was ordered to disgorge, jointly and severally, $5,181,135.82,
along with prejudgment interest of $1,171,110.54, and pay a penalty of
$5,181,135.82 for a total of $11,533,382.18. Relief defendants Melissa
Morton and the Prophecy Research Institute, the Mortons’ nonprofit
religious organization, were ordered to disgorge $468,281 plus prejudgment
interest of $105,847.23, for a total of $574,128.23.”

Secret Passages Inside the Great Pyramid

In spite of all this, Sean David Morton remains in demand.  He is a very entertaining speaker.  Earlier this year he spoke at the Alchemy Event in Los Angeles to a packed hall.  He’s a funny guy, really.  The SEC indicates that his “investment advice”, based on his psychic predictions, might be a bit risky.  But the edginess of all this makes for exciting radio programs, and Sean David Morton is still pulling in listeners and filling seats in auditoriums.  Maybe he should be given a shot – put him on KPFK during L.A. drive-time and see what the psychic man can do.  Could he pull in more listeners than, say Background Briefing?  Hard to tell, and one interesting comment somewhere was “if he was such a great psychic how did he miss the SEC event coming down on him?”  Nevertheless, Sean David, as he is fondly called by his fans, is a brilliant raconteur, and can speak fluently on almost any subject:  science, ancient history, politics, futurism, technology. On a recent cruise-ship gig that he was on, he mesmerized a large audience for more than an hour giving a detailed description of the passage-ways that are under the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, and how he has figured out that the measurements of the passages relate to events in world history.  Mind-blowing stuff, although a little off current mainstream thought.  However, he could be the savior of KPFK as a 5pm-7pm Shock Jock, if Pacifica could borrow him for a while from Revolution Radio, where he claims he has about 11 million listeners world-wide to his radio program.  The Pacifica network of stations could use a few million new listeners.  But first they have to replace their almost continuous fund drives with some interesting programs, and Sean David is the man to deliver on this. A side benefit is that if any secret passages are found underneath KPFK,  he may be able to predict the future of the station by measuring the distances between certain mathematical points in the passages themselves.

End of Part 2

Old NBC News Reports Exposed Gas Dangers Part 2

Old NBC News Reports in a Series called “Burning Questions” Exposed Potential Dangers at Playa Vista Part 2

Click here for direct link to KNBC video or watch embedded video on this site.

An NBC series called “Burning Questions” from 2009 exposed many of the potential hazards of dangerous chemicals at the Playa Vista site.  Here is Part 2 of that excellent series.

View more videos at:

Poisoned Paradise Part 4

Poisoned Paradise Part 4

Playa Vista

Click here to view Part 4

Dateline: Playa Vista

The huge development of Playa Vista was built over the old Los Angeles river bed, now known as Ballona Creek.  It is also built over an area of oil and gas fields.  The area is so dangerous with methane and deadly chemicals from oil and gas that environmental studies pronounced that nothing should ever be built there.  That didn’t stop Goldman Sachs from financing developers to build this massive site, literally a small city.  According to our whistle blower, no environmental impact report was ever filed, and despite 10 years of litigation and a half million dollars in attorneys fees, the courts looked the other way and allowed the project to be built.  The City of Los Angeles, ignoring its responsibilities, allowed the project to be built because it has greatly benefited (as has the County) from the millions of dollars of property tax revenue pouring in.  Forget the dangers to public health, the environment, the aquifers, or anything else, the greed of the County and City for tax revenue over-shadows the lives of those who will get sick and die.  The developers and financiers have reaped a fortune on Playa Vista and are continuing to build ever more condos on the site to this very day.  The American Indians, whose burial grounds were torn up during this building frenzy, have allegedly said there is a curse on the site.  The money made by developers, the City, the County, and the financiers, could be called “blood money” if predicted death and destruction follows. Follow this incredible story of greed and reckless development in Part 4 of Poisoned Paradise.

Poisoned Paradise Part 3

Dateline: Marina del Rel

The Gas and Oil Is Under Your Feet

Click here to watch the youtube video, Part 3

The unfolding story of the deadly gas underneath Marina del Rey and Playa Vista as our Whistle-Blower, Mr. “X” explains how the War Department initiated storage of massive amounts of natural gas in a huge underground “cavern” during WW2.  They turned it over to the Southern California Gas Company after the war.  The bad news?  The entire area is punctured with hundreds of old oil wells.  The “safe” storage in this geologic formation is leaking, and no one is pressing the Gas Company to find out how much leakage there is, AND where it is going.  Part Three of this horrific story, with much more to come.


Poisoned Paradise Part 2

Dateline: Los Angeles

Part 2 of the series Poisoned Paradise.  Maps and information on where the dangerous oil and gas fields are, in other words, where NOT to live.  Leaking oil and gas under Beverly Hills High School.  More background information on oil and gas wells and how they leak and sometimes explode without warning.

If you live in Los Angeles you will have heard of names like Beverly Hills High School, Belmont Learning Center, the La Brea Tar Pits, Marina del Rey and Baldwin Hills.  What do they all have in common?  Deadly leakage of gas and oil coming from abandoned oil fields as well as leakage from other situations.  Follow the trail with our Whistle-Blower as he narrates the gripping story that is still unfolding in this exclusive series of reports.

Click here to watch Part 2

Poisoned Paradise Part 1

Dateline:  Marina del Rey

The Los Angeles Basin Was One of the Biggest, Richest Oil and Gas Bonanzas of all Time; It is also now One of the Most Poisoned Places in America.  “Mr. X”, a Whistleblower, Exposes the Corruption, Greed, Fraud, and a Reckless Government that Continues to this Day.  Because Underneath our Cities is a Monster, Laying in Wait to Spread Its Death to You.  The Monster is Oil and Gas, Seeping Out of the Depths Through Abandoned Wells, Making Its Way To The Surface and Ultimately Into The Water, The Air, Your Body.  Sometimes It Just Blows Up, Like a Bomb, With No Warning.  God Help You if You Are in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time.

By the end of this series, you will know where NOT to live, where NOT to send your children to school, and where to avoid drinking the water.  This is an incredible story, one that goes back to the old days of the Spanish Land grants.  Our whistleblower follows the story down through the ages, from the wetlands to the massive modern real estate developments.  This series contains the most important information that you will ever need to live in Los Angeles.



posted by Paulie

The Assassin’s Mistress

Dateline: Studio City

Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of President John F. Kennedy, had a mistress when he was operating in New Orleans for the F.B.I.  Her name was Judyth Vary; today her name is Judyth Vary Baker.  This is a story that will shatter the big lie of the Warren Report.  Her story is of her love for Lee Oswald.  What he was really like. And what he was really doing during his time in New Orleans in 1963.

Judyth Vary Baker has written a book called “Me and Lee”, published by Trine Day.  In this book she tells her story, the real story of love, intrigue, secret agents, David Ferrie, Mary Sherman, Guy Bannister, and other actors during the time she was Oswald’s girl.

Judyth Baker was in the Los Angeles area and spoke on November 27, 2012 at the Beverly Garland Hotel in Studio City.  She presented a talk and slide show covering a part of her documentation of the events described in her book.  Click here to see the 30 minute question and answer session posted on

If you would like to view the entire video of this event, over 1 hour, send an email to:  We can send you a copy of this event on DVD for $10 plus $2 postage to any address in the U.S.

Tell your friends about this incredible event.  Judyth Baker has been in exile for decades, in fear for her life.  Most of the witnesses to the Kennedy assassination were murdered.  She is the sole survivor of important witnesses.  When she first wanted to talk about Lee Oswald, she went to 60 minutes.  Don Hewitt tried to get her story on national TV but was completely stonewalled.  He said later that it was one of the greatest stories he had run across, but the door was slammed in his face by the network!  Later, a cable channel did a series called The Men Who Killed Kennedy.  One of the chapters was on Judyth Baker.  It was shown a couple times, then her chapter was pulled from the series and never shown again, allegedly due to pressure from the family of LBJ.  Judyth then decided that she must write a book about her life, with complete documentation.  She is now risking her life to bring you the truth, the long suppressed story of Lee Harvey Oswald and his life in New Orleans with his lover, his mistress Judyth Baker.

The real Lee Harvey Oswald, not the photo-retouched photos from a shameless Press!